The Dagger


Going from the projects with huge production budget I am opening next chapter of my life – performance advertising. In the end of 2018 I made a bold move and said good bye to the Creative Director position in Minsk to become a Creative Team Lead and Marketing Art Director in Berlin with the main focus on performance advertising for mobile games. Some may say that this move is a downshift, but I see it as invaluable experience that makes me stronger as a professional. Going from movie like production to the creation of “leaflets” helped me to be assured with absolute certainty that the idea is the only thing that matters and you can tell the story with minimum artistic means if you have something to say.
The video I share here has nothing to do with commercial use, it’s just an example that you can edit a video right in instagram stories using the “screen recording” function on your phone a bit of imagination and a topic you truly passioned about. Yeah I love basketball with all my heart, this is the hobby that helps me to carry on at the moments when I feel that I am tired and I need a break.