Total War: Arena Release Trailer


Tanks, tanks, tanks, warships, tanks and more tanks. That was my day to day life when this project popped up on my radar and I have to be honest it was such a relief. I had a chance to work with something different, not only different but actually super interesting. I was watching documentaries about Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire, Boudica, etc. I really hope that curious players who saw this trailer recognised that for example the bearded dude with an axe that is standing in flames is not just a dude it’s Vercingetorix, and the lines: “Who would save their kin by razin their own land” actually refers to the scorched earth policy that Vercingetorix brought to life. I remember working on the script in my country house far away from the city. Full moon, Hans Zimmer rumbling in my headphones and me trying to connect all the dots in one story. I tried to make this project with respect to players who are fond of history, and I really hope that I managed to do that.
I appreciate the opportunity of working with a project of that scale and I am grateful to the high class professionals who made my dream of shooting movies a little bit closer.